Uintaite, Albertite, Grahamite and Asphaltum Described and Compared, with Observations on Bitumen and Its Compounds

Referenze / References

Autore / Author
Blake, William P.
Anno / Year
Titolo / Title
Uintaite, Albertite, Grahamite and Asphaltum Described and Compared, with Observations on Bitumen and Its Compounds
Editore / Publisher
Transaction of the American Institutes of Mining Engineers XVIII
Luogo di pubblicazione/Place of publication
Soggetto / Subject
Hydrocarbons; Mining; Chemistry; Classification; Utilization
Lingua / Language
Tipo di Risorsa / Resource Type
Journal Articles
Note / Notes
It is recommended this item be cited as: Blake, William P. 1890. Uintaite, Albertite, Grahamite and Asphaltum Described and Compared, with Observations on Bitumen and Its Compounds. Transaction of the American Institutes of Mining Engineers XVIII, 1890, p. 563-583. Available online in the Petroleum History Library at https://www.museoenergiaripi.it/?p=3531&preview=true