Ontario’s petroleum legacy: the birth, evolution and challenges of a global industry

Referenze / References

Autore / Author
Gray, Earle
Anno / Year
Titolo / Title
Ontario’s petroleum legacy: the birth, evolution and challenges of a global industry
Editore / Publisher
Heritage Community Foundation: Edmonton
Luogo di pubblicazione/Place of publication
Soggetto / Subject
Canada; Ontario; Geology; Exploration & Production; Engineering
Lingua / Language
Tipo di Risorsa / Resource Type
Books & e-books
Note / Notes
It is recommended this item be cited as: Gray, Earle. 2008. Ontario’s petroleum legacy: the birth, evolution and challenges of a global industry. Available online in the Petroleum History Library at https://www.museoenergiaripi.it/?p=3546&preview=true This content is available thanks to the kind contribution of Fairbanks Oil Fields, partner institution of the Petroleum History Library.