Principles of oil and gas production Petroleum History Library / Di admin Johnson, Roswell H., and Huntley, L. G.; 1916
Hanawischen Erdbalsams Petrolei oder weichen Agsteins Beschreibung: welcher bey dess Hochwolgebornen Grafen und Herren, Herren Johan Reinhardten Grafen zu Hanaw und Zweybrücken, Dorff, Lampersloch. Sampt seiner Tugend, Krafft und Wuerckung, die ihme underschiedliche Autores hierinnen begriffen, zueignen, aber vielfältig præparirt, probirt und in mancherley gebrechen gut befunden: Jedermänniglich zu Nutz und gutem an Tag geben worden durch Johan Volcken Petroleum History Library / Di admin Volck, Johan; 1625
Die rumaenische Petroleumwirtschaft: unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Bergbaugesetzes (“Nationalisierungsgesetzes”) vom 4. Juli 1924 Petroleum History Library / Di admin Leon, Nikolaus N.; 1921
Petrolia: a brief history of the Pennsylvania petroleum region: its development, growth, resources, etc., from 1859-1869 Petroleum History Library / Di admin Cone, Andrew & Johns, Walter R.; 1870
Petroleum mining and oil-field development: a guide to the exploration of petroleum lands, and a study of the engineering problems connected with the winning of petroleum, including statistical data of important oil-fields, notes on the origin and distribution of petroleum, and a description of the methods of utilising oil and gas fuels Petroleum History Library / Di admin Thompson, Arthur Beeby; 1905
Prima Societa italiana impresaria di perforazioni artesiane per la ricerca di acque salienti e per esplorazioni minerarie Petroleum History Library / Di admin Bonariva, Alessandro; 1882
Il petrolio e i suoi derivati industriali. Olii leggieri, olii pesanti, olii illuminanti, paraffina: dalle conferenze tenute in Bologna nel marzo 1874 presso la Lega per l’istruzione popolare dal prof. Adolfo Casali Petroleum History Library / Di admin Casali, Adolfo; 1874